American Iridescence Image Overlay Generator

1. Click the browse button

2. Select a Photo on You Computer

3. Then Click OK

4. Click Upload to Upload Your Image to the Overlayer. (you can also click Delete to erase)

5. Once Your Image is Uploaded, the Image in the Middle Should Change to include your uploaded photo plus the overlay.

6. Once the middle image includes your photo plus the overlay, click the Generate Button to Generate the Actual Image File On the Far Right that You Can Download and Use.

** You might have to click the Generate Button Twice or a Few Times depending on your photo.



You might have to click the Generate Button Twice or a Few Times depending on your photo.


Once This Image Appears, Click the Right Mouse Button

and Choose Save Picture As to Download and Save the Image to Your Computer.

You might have to click the Generate Button Twice or a Few Times depending on your photo.

#VatiPride and #AmeriPride are developed by Aloye Computer Enterprises